Red rot of sugarcane pdf file

Pacific pests and pathogens mini fact sheet edition sugarcane red. Red rot disease is one of the oldest disease of sugarcane caused by fungus colletotrichum falcatum ahmad 1988. Sueh an advlulced stage of rotting of standing cane seldom occurs. Pythium root rot of sugarcane 3 finally replaced by less delicate sorts. We used a simple sequence repeat ssrbased marker system to identify and analyze genetic relationships of red rot resistant and susceptible sugarcane cultivars grown in pakistan. This disease drastically retards the yield and considerably deteriorates the juice quantity and quality.

Red rot of sugarcane was first reported from java now indonesia by went in 1893. A file which contains transient data to be processed in combination with a master file is called. The death of buds or young shoots leads to stand reduction whereas root feeding can stunt young plants. The new cultivars released for commercial cultivation succumb to new pathotypes of the pathogen after some years in disease endemic regions. He called the fungus colletotrichum falcatum went and disease named as het root snot meaning red smut disease. Red rot of sugarcane with diagram biology discussion.

Comprehensive transcriptome analysis reveals genes in. Red rot of sugarcane book sugarcane plant breeding scribd. However, better crop stands have been achieved from enhanced germination obtained by treating seed pieces with a fungicide before planting. For three harvest cycles every year, the dssatcanegro model was used to simulate the baseline and four future climate scenarios. Red rot is the key menace of sugarcane in india, and the onus of its containment also squarely rests on the indians. The experimental area consists of red sandy loam with 62% sand.

Sequencing was carried out to generate 35,000 expressed sequence tags ests from healthy as well as red rot infected tissue of indian subtropical variety of sugarcane. Due to enzymatic action of the pathogen, there is conversion of sucrose in the cane juice into glucose and alcohol. The pathogen attacks sucrose accumulating parenchyma cells of cane stalk leading to severe losses in cane yield and sugar recovery. Identification of sources of resistance to sugarcane red rot by a. The whiterot fungus stereum hirsutum was studied to evaluate its applicability for use in the biosynthesis of coppercopper oxide nanoparticles under different ph conditions and in the presence of three different copper salts cucl 2, cuso 4, and cuno 3 2. The disease incidence range varies from traces to 12%.

Wireworm injury can generally be identified as relatively large, ragged holes into seed pieces and buds or into young shoots. From the top view, the color of the fungal colony was violet or brownishred while the color was white and cream at the bottom. At a later stage, show discoloured lesion on the rind. The red rot disease attacks the standing sugarcane crop and thus causes enormous losses. Red rot prior to 1893 25 mention of red rot in buddhist literature 25 the sereh in java and search for new resistance source 27 red rot epidemic in godavari delta and its impact 28 establishment of sugarcan breeding institute, the mecca of sugarcane breeding in india 28 butler and red rot 31 chapter 5. In vitro generation of somaclonal variant plants of. Plug method of pathogen inoculation is the most common method used for red rot screening in sugarcane and here, severity score is being assigned based on the red rot symptoms inside the canes. Efficacy of hot water treatment and carbendazim in the control of sett borne infection of red rot of sugarcane. This study evaluated the effects of climate change on sugarcane yield, water use efficiency, and irrigation needs in southern brazil, based on downscaled outputs of two general circulation models precis and csiro and a sugarcane growth model. Jan 09, 20 idm model of red rot of sugercane by md.

Red rot is the most common disease of sugarcane, caused by the fungus colletotrichum falcatum went. The molecular mechanisms of resistance to leaf scald in this plant are, however, still unclear. The raw sugar is then refined at two refineries in the region or shipped by barge to other refineries on the east coast. Red rot severely affects the quantity and quality of the cane, with about a 29% reduction in cane weight and 30% less sugar recovery hussnain and afghan, 2006.

Oct 30, 2017 red rot is one of the major constraints in the profitable cultivation of sugarcane. Therefore careful selection of red rotfree seed setts is recommended for planting. Internal symptoms of red rot, glomerella tucumanensis, in a sugarcane stem. It is inferred that genetic variability could be induced in sugarcane using gamma rays for traits like germination, cane height, leaf length, hr brix, single cane weight and to red rot tolerance. This study provides the complete sequence of individual chromosomes of s. Flooding is a cultural practice for wireworm management that can be effective. Dna extraction total genomic dna was isolated from fresh leaf samples by the ctab method doyle and doyle, 1990. Sugarcane is subjected to many diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses. In india, red rot is chiefly the disease of standing cane and caused by colletotrichum falcatum went. The small spots on the leaf blade are probably white rash. The microorganisms living in the stems may contaminate the juice, impairing. It is needless to say that red rot epidemic of 193839, along with brown spot epidemic of rice in 194243 augured the development of plant pathology as a subject in the curriculum of indian universities.

Sugarcane genotypes obtained from shakarganj sugarcane research institute ssri, jhang, pakistan, and their serial numbers, genitors, and response to red rot disease. Use of simple sequence repeat markers for dna fingerprinting. Chapter 1 introduction in vitro approaches for improvement of sugarcane cultivar page 1 introduction sugarcane is an oldest crop known to man, a major crop of tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Pdf on jan 1, 2010, rasappa viswanathan and others published plant disease.

Sugarcane, other saccharum species, maize and sorghum, and wild sorghum sorghum halepense. It causes severe loss in yield and quality of the susceptible cultivars in the indian subcontinent 9,10. Read in vitro generation of somaclonal variant plants of sugarcane for tolerance to fusarium sacchari, plant cell reports on deepdyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about pests insects of sugarcane ppt. Sugarcane is a glycophyte, sucrose storing member of tall growing perennial monocotyledonous grass. The cells of resistant transgenic plants were intact with no sucrose loss. Major diseases of sugarcane observed in these areas were red rot, wilt, smut, pokkah boeng and grassy shoot. Online journal of bioinformatics ojb 2019 2 authors. Red rod is an economically important disease of sugarcane caused by the fungus colletotrichum falcatum. Numerous pathogens infect sugarcane, such as sugarcane grassy shoot disease caused by phytoplasma, whiptail disease or sugarcane smut, pokkah boeng caused by fusarium moniliforme, xanthomonas axonopodis bacteria causes gumming disease, and red rot disease caused by colletotrichum falcatum. It may invade leafblade and leafsheath tissuesand is capable of infecting sugarcane roots but it is not important as a disease of these organs. Image processing based disease detection for sugarcane. South african sugar technologists association, 111115 van hoof ha, 1949. May 23, 2016 in india, red rot caused by colletotrichum falcatum exhibits enormous variation in pathogenicity on sugarcane.

Red rot is one of the major, oldest, broadly distributed, and documented diseases of sugarcane in many countries, including pakistan, the united states, bangladesh, taiwan. Studies on development and spread of red rot in a sugarcane plant a dissertation submitted to the graduate faculty of tha louisiana state university and. Antifungal activity of chitinase ii against colletotrichum. Speciesspecific detection and identification of fusarium species complex. A field experiment was conducted during 20112015 to study the effect of potassiumrich biostimulant manufactured from seaweed kappaphycus alvarezii on growth, yield, and quality of sugarcane var. Improved sugarcane productivity with tillage and trash. Biology and management of sugarcane red rot 777 in subsequent alterations in the virulence patterns of the fungus. The red rot disease is a major constraint for sugarcane production in india and the subcontinent faced many epidemics in the past resulting in the elimination of many popular varieties from cultivation14.

During 18951900 the disase assumed epidemic proportion in the godavari delata of andhra pradesh, india barber 1901. An assignment on idm model of red rot of sugercane course no p. Complete protocol of sugarcane cultivation in pakistan. Other species of termites were associated with savanna and sugarcane but m. Wireworm injury to seed piece internodes facilitates. Studies on development and spread of red rot in a sugarcane. Outbreak of red rot on sugarcane variety co 7508 a new pathotype in coastal andhra pradesh. The possible disadvantages are that it cannot show both increasing and diminishing marginal returns in a single response curve, and that may lead to overestimate of the economic optimum upton, 1996. The ecology of microtermes subhyalinus silvestri in savanna and an adjoining sugarcane plantation in the central african republic is described. Against red rot pathogen colletotrichum falcatum scielo. Among the biotic factors, red rot disease of sugarcane caused by colletotrichum falcatum is serious fungal disease affecting sugarcane stalks.

In order to understand the genetic diversity and structure within and between the genera of saccharum and erianthus, 79 accessions from five species s. Red rot, glomerella tucumanensis, showing symptoms of the fungus in the midrib of a sugarcane leaf. Captan, carbendazim, copper oxichloride, mancozeb, tilt, topsinm and plant extracts allium sativum, azadirachta indica, datura stramonium. Among all the diseases, fungal disease named red rot of sugarcane is the. A preliminary report on the incidence of red rot in the south african sugarcane industry. Co 86032 with plant and three consecutive ratoon crops. Impact of different dates of inoculation and evaluation of. The waterdeficit stress and redrotrelated genes in sugarcane. Red rot glomerella tucumanensis physalospora tucumanensis colletotrichum falcatum anamorph red rot of leaf sheath and sprout rot athelia rolfsii pellicularia rolfsii sclerotium rolfsii anamorph red spot of leaf sheath mycovellosiella vaginae cercospora vaginae. In plug method, plug hole made by a cork borer on the third exposed internode from bottom 6. Different tillage and trash management practices were tested for ratoon sugarcane. Agroindustrial waste cellulose using fermented broth of. Some groups have used pcrbased and microarray technologies to investigate the gene expression changes of multiple sugarcane cultivars under water stress. Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of.

Red rot is caused by prolonged storage or exposure to high relative humidity, environmental pollution, and high temperature. In an epidemic form, it causes heavy reduction in stands and even threatens to wipe out the entire crop in the field. Red rot is caused by the fungi colletotrichum falcatum. Plant pathology section, icarsugarcane breeding institute, coimbatore 641007, india. Speciesspecific detection and identification of fusarium. The silvery colour of the leaves given to it by the trichomes. Red rot of sugarcane is hard to control because the stalk from which seeds are prepared has been largely affected from the time of planting, and fungicides cannot reach the infected tissues inside a diseased seed sett. Pathological and molecular variation in colletotrichum. Red rot of sugarcane book free download as pdf file. Diseases of sugarcane saccharum officinarum red rotcolletotrichum falcatumor glomerella tucumanensis smutustilago scitaminea grassy shootphytoplasma ratoon stuntingclavibacter xyli pv.

A comprehensive understanding of the temporal changes in symbiotic fungal colonisation of sugarcane roots following ratooning is currently lacking, therefore limiting our ability to. Diatraea saccharalis sugarcane borer is native to the western hemisphere but seems to have been introduced to the united states of america usa, where it inhabits the warmers states. The pineapples adaptation to dry conditions comes not only from evolving in a dry. The effect of potassiumrich biostimulant from seaweed. Leaf scald caused by xanthomonas albilineans is a major bacterial disease of sugarcane in most sugarcaneplanting countries.

Red rot definition is a common sundew drosera rotundifolia. Red rot, caused by colletotrichum falcatum went is the most important. M journal of sharma and tamta, plant pathol microbiol 215. Image processing based disease detection for sugarcane leaves. Pretreatment strategies for delignification of sugarcane bagasse.

Further, it was found that isolates of red rot fungus are often unstable in their pathogenicity and have a tendency to pass irreversibly into a virulent phase. Who wrote the book not just an accountant published open, 2014. Red rot resistant gene characterization using rgap markers among. Brazil uses sugarcane to produce sugar and ethanol for gasolineethanol blends gasohol, a locally popular transportation fuel. Improved sugarcane productivity with tillage and trash management practices in semi arid tropical agro ecosystem in india. Factors affecting sugarcane production in pakistan 2 estimate return to scale. A degradation process in brass where chemical dezincification of the brass alloy leaves behind fragile or powdery copper metal. Sugarcane red rot disease 3 prompt harvesting of infected or susceptible crops are other management practices recommended for red rot control. The nanoparticle formation was evaluated by uvvisible spectroscopy, electron microscopy tem, xray diffraction analysis xrd. Rhizoctonia sheath and shoot rot rhizoctonia solani. In that region, the harvest runs from april to december, and in the northeast, it lasts from september to march. Red rot, caused by colletotrichum falcatum, is one of the major diseases of sugarcane in the world.

Mar 03, 2018 red rot of sugarcane causal organism symptoms diseases cycle and managment telegram group. Laboratory studies were conducted using crd with three replications to study the efficacy of six fungicides viz. Red rot, caused by colletotrichum falcatum, is one of the major diseases of sugarcane in the world symptoms red rot attacks the stalks, stubble rhizomes, and leaf midribs of the sugarcane plant. Sugarcane is one of the most important cash crop, grown extensively in south gujaral during 90s, the crop\oo. Foliar fungicides have not been effective in the control of red rot. However, better crop stands have been achieved from enhanced germination obtained by treating seed pieces with a fungicide before. If you do not see its contents the file may be temporarily unavailable at the journal website or. Stems show large red blotches on the outside photo 1, and internal red rots with white patches, when the stems are cut open photo 2. Sugarcane is an important sugar and energy crop that is widely planted in the world. It can reduce cane weight by up to 29% and loss in sugar recovery by 31% 11.

Ecofriendly management of red rot disease of sugarcane with. It is also found through the caribbean, warmer parts of south america. The state of sao paulo alone accounts for 60% of the countrys total sugarcane production. Agroindustrial waste cellulose using fermented broth of white rot fungi agroindustrial waste cellulose using fermented broth of white rot fungi. Hence screening for red rot resistance became an integral part of varietal development in the country.

It has been observed that once the disease has appeared in the field it is impossible to control. Bioassay for red rot incidence was carried out with cf 08 and cf 09 c. Red rot disease caused by a fungus, colletotrichum falcatum, is one of the major, oldest, widely distributed and documented disease of sugarcane in punjab and sindh provinces. On the 62 plantations, for which figures are available in gilmores manual of louisiana for 193031, p. Draft genome sequence of colletotrichum falcatum a prelude on screening of red rot pathogen in sugarcane. The two pathotypes were collected from red rot affected sugarcane cultivars coj 64 and cos 767, respectively by division of crop protection, indian institute of sugarcane. Butler1906 published a detailed account of this disease from pusa, bihar and gave it the name red rot. But diseases are the major concern for the sugarcane, responsible for its low yield.

Red rot is a degradation process found in vegetabletanned leather. Rasappa viswanathan, chandrasekaran naveen prasanth, palaniyandi malathi, amalraj ramesh sundar. Proceedings of the annual congress south african sugar technologists association mount edgecombe, natal, south africa. Cavities may be present which contain the cottony growth of the fungus. Sugarcane 2 raw sugar, which is a combination of sucrose and molasses and is light in color figure 3.

Red rot is frequently not discernible from external exnmination of the sugarcane stalk wlless it has so completely rotted the imerior as to cause the rind to lose its natural bright color and become dull in appearance. View and download powerpoint presentations on pests insects of sugarcane ppt. We report development of red rot resistant transgenic sugarcane through expression of. We use cookies to offer you a better experience, personalize content, tailor advertising, provide social media features, and better understand the use of our services. Red rot attacks the stalks, stubble rhizomes, and leaf midribs of the sugarcane plant. Red rot caused by colletotrichum falcatum went is a serious stalk disease affecting production and productivity in sugarcane. The 3rd and 4th leaves from the top of the infected plants display yellowing and drying. The lower doses of gamma ray 10 and 20 gy were more effective to induce variation while higher doses have detrimental effects. Sulfur dioxide converts to sulfurous acid which forms hydrogen peroxide. Colonisation dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and. Further studies in correlation between stalk and joint infestation by sugarcane mothborer, diatraea saccharalis fabricius in puerto rico. To keep in view the importance of red rot disease of sugarcane, 117. The two pathotypes were collected from red rot affected sugarcane cultivars coj 64 and cos 767, respectively by division of crop protection, indian institute of sugarcane research, lucknow, uttar pradesh, india during 201415. Sugarcane is an important international commodity as a valuable agricultural crop especially in developing countries.

Read pathological and molecular variation in colletotrichum falcatum went isolates causing red rot of sugarcane in the northwest zone of india, journal of plant protection research on deepdyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Sporisorium scitamineum is a biotrophic fungus responsible for the sugarcane smut, a worldwide spread disease. Climate change impacts on sugarcane attainable yield in. Relationship between climatic factors and initiation of red rot infection in sugarcane. Draft genome sequence of colletotrichum falcatum a. Red rot research in india on hybrid cane varieties. It was brought to louisiana in 1751, and, together with the otaheite introduced in 1797, remained a commercial variety until after 1825, when both were gradually replaced by the eibbon and purple cheribon canes. Extracellular biosynthesis of copper and copper oxide. Among the environmental stresses, the waterdeficit stress is the most limiting to plant productivity. Foraging, nesting and damage caused by microtermes. Red rot resistant transgenic sugarcane developed through. In the present study, sucrose accumulating stalk parenchyma cells of red rot susceptible sugarcane showed occurrence of fungal hyphae and loss of sucrose. The cancer of sugarcane ruchika sharma and sushma tamta department of biotechnology, plant tissue culture and molecular biology laboratory, bhimtal campus, kumaun. Indirect losses occur through the colonization of fungi, which cause red stem rot diseases.

It may invade leafblade and leafsheath tissues and is capable of infecting sugarcane roots but it is not important as a disease of these organs. Although the parasitoid cotesia flavipes cameron has proven effective in controlling sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis fabricius for many years, concern has. Complete genome sequence of sporisorium scitamineum and. Know about red rot of sugarcane hear is a pdf file just download and know abut that download. This journal requires raw data and program files for analysis.

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